The NAMP Journal is the Official Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics.

The symbolism of the LOGO of NAMP
- The 3 wavy arrowed lines at the top have a dual significance
- Taken together, they represent vector fields, the basic building blocks of the theory of Dynamical systems which is the bridge across many facets of mathematical physics.
- The lowest of the 3 lines defines the northern border of Nigeria.
- The overlapping electron orbits symbolize physics, while the integral at their core is mathematics, the core of the nucleus of mathematical physics.
- The wavy line at the bottom is the southern border of Nigeria.
- Thus, the symbols taken together represent mathematical physics located in Nigeria. However, the geographical outline of the country, as represented in the logo, is open at the sides which means that the Association is free to interact horizontally with its sister organizations at its own level, outside the country, without any hindrance imposed by national boundaries
Although NAMP was formally inaugurated in 1979, the discussions and consultations that led to its foundation commenced in 1978. Those who participated in the discussions were Professor Chike Obi, Dr Eben Akinrele, Professor Awele Madumezia, Mr Titus Akindele, Professor Sunday Iyahen and Dr Donatus Uzodinma. Prof. Chike Obi made an unsuccessful attempt to register the Association with the Ministry of Trade on June 29, 1978, under the name of the Nigerian Society for Mathematical Sciences.
In May 1979, Dr G. O. S. Ekhaguaere wrote to Prof. Awele Madumezia and proposed a colloquium or workshop on Mathematical Physics. Funds were sought and the First National Colloquium on Mathematical Physics was successfully held at the Department of Physics, the University of Ibadan from 12 – 15 December 1979. Participants came from eight of the thirteen universities that existed in the country at that time and from the College of Technology, Ilorin. The eight universities were ABU, Zaria, University of Ibadan, University of Ife, Bayero University, Kano University of Ilorin, University of Lagos, the University of Maiduguri and the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
During the plenary session on Thursday, December 13, 1979, commencing at 3:35 pm, in room B11 of the Department of Physics, 22 of the 31 participants were present. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Awele Madumezia, F.A.S. The secretary was Dr G.O.S. Ekhaguere. At the meeting, it was revealed that the Nigerian Academy of Science provided the Local Organizing Committee with secretarial assistance while the National Science and Technology Development Agency provided a grant of N1,000 (one thousand Naira only) towards the publication of the proceedings of this first colloquium on Mathematical Physics. During the meeting, it was noted that there were only very few scientists in the country who could strictly be speaking be called Mathematical Physicists. For these reasons, it was decided that the term “Mathematical Physics should be broadened to mean: “ Any scientist who applies fairly rigorous mathematics to physics, chemistry, engineering, or other sciences and also any mathematician whose results have direct applicability in physics, chemistry, engineering and so forth”
The house unanimously agreed that there was a need to form an association, which would bring together all the mathematical physicists as defined above. A motion to this effect was formally tabled by Prince Dr O. A. Odundun of the Dept. of Physics, University of Ife, Ile-Ife and seconded by Dr Adetunji of the Dept. of Physics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The motion read as follows: That those here present should constitute themselves into a body to be known as and called the NIGERIAN ASSOCIATION OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS (NAMP). The motion was carried unanimously and the following inaugural Executive was elected:
- President: Professor Awele Madumezia , FAS.
- Secretary: Dr G. O. S. Ekhaguere
- Treasurer: Dr G. Oluremi Olaofe
- Ex-Officio members: Professor C. Amazigo, Professor, M. A. Rashid, Dr C. O. Afolayan
On the same day, the 13th of December 1979, the new president of NAMP designed the logo shown above for the association, with the symbolism indicated.
In a great country, like Nigeria with immense potential, there ought to be a vibrant National forum for a critical discussion of research results and proper documentation of accepted works that have been duly referred. The annual Colloquium and Congress of NAMP serve the former while the latter is catered for by the journal of NAMP. The fact that we are able to do these two things every year is a measure of the growth and stability we have strived to realise over the years.